After Mom died, I went through her apartment, looking for something special. There was plenty, but the most profound find was a prayer she had written on a notecard and tucked into a magazine by the sofa. The first time I read it I nearly swooned when I got to the part where she was clearly seeing herself making her transition. At her memorial, I read it for everyone who had come to say goodbye to their beloved Rose. She was always so full of life, and it was comforting to so many to know she was far more ready to make her move than they had realized. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house after hearing her words. I’ve learned a lot from her through this one inspiring prayer.
Dear Jesus,
I release all my worries to you.
I am yours, filled with the love and light of your presence.
I trust in you and am not afraid for you are my strength.
Keep me close to you.
I desire your will above all else.
Daughter rises to heaven and blends with angelic melodies of praise
Prepare me for this day that awaits me
and point me in the right direction.
I ask your Spirit to quiet my mind
so that I can think Your thoughts.
I walk in the Light with you.